Monday, April 21, 2008

Our Fisted Friends.

OK, so I think the new format of this blog is going to be different. Instead of doing big posts every few weeks, I’m going to do small ones more frequently. It may be a video post, a funny link or mere observations. So that’s that. Onward.


Puppets have been a treat for peasants and kings for thousands upon thousands of years. There is no justifiable reason why they are as sweet as they are. They just have that certain something—walking the line between fantasy and reality. They aren’t animated, yet they aren’t alive. And we get to simultaneously play god and fist/finger something at the same time. Like I said; a treat.

Puppets come in a shitload of varieties from finger, to hand, to marionette, to the horrifying Jim Henson genetic engineering project: the muppet. I’ve compiled a short list of my favorite puppets. Enjoy.

My Top Five Favorite Puppets:

5. Precious Roy

There was once a show on MTV called The Sifl & Olly Show. Created by Liam Lynch and Matt Crocco, the show was about sock puppets. If you’ve heard the song “United States of Whatever,” you’ll note that it first appeared on the show. Precious Roy was a recurring character that ran an infomercial company that sold absurd products like “Civil War Corpses” and “Edible Sandals.” Enjoy.

4. King Friday

King Friday was the brutal monarch presiding over Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood of Make Believe. In one of the most fantastical puppet paradises ever conceived, Friday reigned supreme. And he had dynamite facial hair.

3. Mike Rutherford, Guitarist of Genesis in the “Land of Confusion” Video

This video was full of star-studded puppet representations of famous people. Originally I was going to say that Ronald Reagan was the ideal puppet from this video, but upon further review, Rutherford is playing a 4-necked guitar. So he wins.

2. Falcor the Luckdragon from The NeverEnding Story.

A flying, child-loving dog-dragon. This is what we in the business call the total package. He would be the greatest friend ever.

1. Statler & Waldorf

The original haters. Just a couple old curmudgeons who sit high in the balcony, shitting on the Muppet Show. Does it get any better than this?

Obviously there are many more who didn't make the list (Lamb Chop, Chauncy from Wonder Showzen, Godzilla), and to them I apologize.

Keep It Real.


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